The future of Talent Management & HR is outside-in.
We are witnessing accelerating changes in technology, economy, societies, and at work that will profoundly affect Talent Management and HR:
- increasing requirements for a global workforce mobility
- demographic changes resulting in an unseen of heterogeneity of the workforce
- the digital transformation of work and the workplace
These trends call on HR professionals to think increasingly ‘outside-in’ as Dave Ulrich proposes: moving beyond strategic delivery and becoming thought leaders and drivers aware of transformations at work and their impact on customers, stakeholders, investors, the environment, communities, and societies. Successful HR professionals need to be credible activists as well as strategic positioners.
We cooperate with Talent Management and HR in varying roles and contexts to help you meet these new challenges:
Besides our comprehensive leadership programs and training for all levels of leaders, we also support you at selected points throughout your cycles of talent development:
- Transition Management & onboarding for new leaders and international assignments
- Performance Management & Employee Development
- Mentoring Programs (Special focus: women leaders, international assignments, cross-generational as well as other minority groups)
- International Programs for special talent groups (trainees, high potentials)
- Selected Assessments
Developing and updating HR professionals and business partners as thought leaders and change agents we offer special qualifications for:
- Participatory future and trend search for talent management and HR
- Change management for internal change agents and in-house consultants
- Diversity & Inclusion: from primer to full-fledged services, program design, and implementation
Helping HR to set the agenda for mobilizing a global, individualizing and digitized workforce:
- Implementing and developing HR Business Partners outside-in
- Internationalizing Talent Management & HR
- HR Transformations
We consult you according to your organization’s stage of engagement with diversity programs and help you design and implement the necessary steps:
- Diversity & Inclusion – A to Z: coaching, consulting, education, and training
- Cultural Competency Development for Diversity & Inclusion
- Eliminating unconscious bias in assessment and recruiting processes
- Hardwiring and fusing Equality, Diversity & Inclusion into every step of your HR processes; from recruiting and job descriptions through assessments and performance management to employee development.
Leadership and culture set the frame for employee performance and engagement.